Bridging The Human Performance Gap in Safety for More than 25 Years

Safety Leadership | Culture | Engagement | World-Class Safety


Behavior-based safety is still alive and well, now at a very mature age. Finally, we’re reaching a refinement stage where BBS has become an integrated part of building a high-performance and high-trust culture for safety. In this regard the implementation of BBS into your culture should offer a high degree of flexibility — not trying to fit a square peg in a round hole so to speak.

David Sarkus International offers a fresh and impactful look at a proven approach. The last 15 years of their work has emphasized improving the efficiency and effective-ness of BBS methodologies for other kinds of important safety-related changes and results that most professionals never think about. Our own unique “three-process” intervention is designed to:

  1. Increase the magnitude of positive changes in attitudes and actions for quick and substantial changes;
  2. Increase flexibility in affecting “non-targeted” actions and attitudes (at work and away from the job) and;
  3. Increase the durability of change by improving overall safety awareness, motivation, and self-management skills — even when nobody’s around.

Video: A Worker’s Perspective

A Unique Three-Process Approach
Our BBS process deliberately impacts each domain of attitude formation for significant changes in safety-related performance. From a behavioral standpoint, it uses sound coaching principles to bring about substantial behavioral changes, quickly. It also uses an additional set of principles that positively impacts broader aspects of performance so that individuals will continue to work safely in the absence of observations or supervision. And for more durable and lasting changes, this approach relies on distinct tactics that will align everyday behaviors with personal values and become deeply embedded into an individual’s overall system of beliefs. “Safety is really important to me and my family!”


Video: Management’s Perspective

If you’re looking for ways to initiate or sustain positive changes in safety performance, “active involvement” is one ingredient that must be integrated into all levels of your organization. BBS is a proven approach that relies heavily on collaboration from your employees and is still considered one of the most efficient and effective way to reduce accidents and related losses. Among the various ways to improve safety performance, active involvement remains a constant — a winning formula! It’s been established that meaningful employee involvement translates into improved quality, productivity, morale, and yes, even safety performance.


Video: A Worker’s Perspective

How About Results?

It’s no secret that when properly executed, BBS delivers exceptional results. Over the last 15 years we have experienced these same kinds of results — typically a 30% to 70% reduction in injury rates during the first year alone. And often times there is a strong correlation with workers’ compensation costs as well. BBS is a great safety tool when properly executed and supported — there is no denying this fact.

ATTENTION CONTROL – Bridging a Common Gap in BBS

Organizations like yours are looking for the next strategy that will enhance their own behavior-based safety efforts or for a process that will improve the concentration and focus of their workers. However, many companies don’t know where to turn or where to look.

For years astute professionals like you have understood that there is a “failure-gap” between the external reinforcement of behaviors and what goes on in someone’s head. You understand those mental lapses or miscues that have little to do with what can be reinforced externally though a person’s actions. These are the behaviors or actions that are normally changed or strengthened through a behavior-based safety (BBS) approach. Even more, firms don’t fully realize that there are proven methods that can increase a person’s individual awareness towards safety and their ability to concentrate on the “right things.” Here at David Sarkus International, we have a proven and scientifically-based approach that will help your people “tune in” to the “right things” at work and at home in order to eliminate injuries of all sorts. In addition, we can incorporate our Safety Attention Control (SAC) process into your BBS approach. And we can do it in a very transparent way. Through our work with you and your workers everyone will:

  1. Understand their own concentration profile in order to stay safe and healthy;
  2. Be able to learn new skills to lessen distraction and concentration errors;
  3. Learn how to reinforce concentration methods on a day-to-day basis;
  4. Transfer their attentional styles to actions away from work – at home;
  5. Measure internal safety-related performance in terms of behavioral definitions as part of your BBS process.

We can help you improve your safety performance through our SAC technologies as a standalone strategy or a complementary process to your current efforts that may include BBS. If you and your leaders want to find out more about our SAC process just give us a call. We can help you discover a leading-edge technology that may be exactly what you’ve been hoping to find.